Every student should take some time to plan for their finances and how to pay for school before they enroll in any massage therapy education program. Typically, students use a mix of personal funds, as well as private and government loan options. While all of these choices can help students pay for massage therapy school, why not consider scholarship options that you can apply for as well? Scholarships are awarded to help relieve the stress of tuition and school costs for students. Believe it or not, you may be able to find massage therapy scholarships that you can apply for. It doesn’t hurt to check and find out. And when you speak with every school of massage therapy near you, ask if they know of any scholarship opportunities for students like yourself.
Do you want to start comparing your choices for massage therapy classes that are within commuting distance to you? We can help you review your options for training, so you can speak with massage schools directly about your goals and concerns.
After you read about the following massage therapy scholarships for students, simply use our resources to start your path towards this hands-on, healing career!
*Keep in mind, scholarship information can change, and some of these listings may no longer be current. This is another reason we recommend speaking with all your massage therapy education options. School advisors should be able to help you determine the best opportunities for you to manage massage school while meeting your personal and current professional obligations.
This scholarship program is offered through the Massage Envy brand of massage therapy franchises. They encourage students to work in this field, and their massage therapy scholarship is an example of how they try to inspire students to realize their dream of becoming a practitioner.
American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA) scholarship program. This massage therapy school scholarship is a $5,000 award that goes to one student. In order to qualify, you must be enrolled in a program that includes 500 hours of minimum training.
Cortiva Institute
The Cortiva Institute has several locations throughout the country and offers its students two special massage therapy scholarships. One is known as the Founders’ Scholarship, which is a $1,000 award representing the ideals and work of the Cortiva Institute founders. In other words, the students have a strong drive and dedication to a career in massage therapy. The other massage therapy scholarship is a partnership between the Cortiva Institute and Massage Magazine; each year, a massage therapy student recieves a $500 award. Both awards are only available for first-time enrolling students.
For more information, visit: http://www.cortiva.com/massage-school-scholarships/College-Scholarship.aspx
Massage Therapy Foundation
The Massage Therapy Foundation provides grants for massage therapy research that is meant to enhance knowledge of the field. The Massage Therapy Foundation looks for individuals who already have experience in research. The grants range from $1,000 to $30,000 for a 12-month period. If research is what you desire, then this is certainly a great opportunity.
For more information visit: http://www.massagetherapyfoundation.org/grants_research.html
MTTI-Wellspring Center for Natural Health & Wellness
The MTTI-Wellspring Center for Natural Health & Wellness offers students a variety of massage therapy scholarships. They generally require two letters of recommendation, as well as a resume. Massage school scholarships range from $1,000 to $2,000, depending on which award you apply for. Some of the scholarships are based on financial need, such as the T. Oglesby Founders Award. Another award is based on academics and addresses the topic of “Why I want to become a massage therapist.” All deadlines for MTTI-Wellspring massage therapy scholarships are seven days prior to the beginning of classes.
For more information visit: http://www.mymassagecareer.com/index.msp/page/ScholarshipRequirements
JoyLife Therapeutics
If you’re planning on attending massage therapy school by August 2010, then the JoyLife Chair Ambassador Scholarship may be right for you. Students who are specializing in chair massage and have a deep interest in the field are perfect candidates for this scholarship, which will award one student $1,000 to be applied to their massage therapy classes.
For more information, visit: http://www.joylifetherapeutics.com/s/chair-massage/
Bastyr University
The Licensed Massage Therapist Scholarship from Bastyr University awards $1,500 to a student in good academic standing who already has their massage therapy degree from an accredited massage therapy school. The massage therapy scholarship is renewable, provided that the student still meets the requirements. All incoming undergraduate students majoring in natural health sciences or exercise science and wellness, with a massage therapy background, will be considered for this scholarship and there is no need to fill out a separate application.
For more information visit: http://www.bastyr.edu/admissions/info/finaid.asp?cat=ug&jump=1
Do you want to find out how you can take advantage of massage therapy school scholarships? To learn more about opportunities for students, speak with local school advisors to take the next step. They can help you figure out how you can create a plan-of-action to begin a massage career as quickly as possible.