If you want to make a career out of sticking needles in people, acupuncture schools in Delaware will teach you how to do it right and keep ‘em coming back for more. Of course, this ancient Chinese practice isn’t as sadistic as it sounds – with training from Delaware acupuncture schools, you’ll learn the Oriental medical theory needed to help you restore circulation and balance of energy to your patients.
Though it’s one of the smallest states, there are plenty of opportunities to get an acupuncture education in Delaware. Acupuncture schools in Delaware offer first professional master’s degree and professional master’s-level certificate and diploma programs. The best acupuncture schools in Delaware have earned accredited or candidacy status with the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Formal acupuncture education is a must, as all applicants for licensure as an acupuncture practitioner in Delaware must have a Diplomate in Oriental Medicine from the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. Required licensing exam modules include foundations of Oriental medicine, acupuncture, point location, and biomedicine.
From Milford to Middletown, Delaware acupuncture schools offer state-of-the-art instruction in an ancient modality. Whichever town you choose, make the First State your first choice for acupuncture education.
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