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The work of a barber will become that much easier once you earn your barber certificate. It is at barber school where you can really hone your hair-cutting skills and more to become a great barber — and maybe even own your own barber shop. Fortunately, there are several barbering programs in all fifty states that train students in today’s skills. Many people think that barbering skills are limited to simple men’s cuts and maybe a shave, if the client is feeling fancy. However, the trends for men’s hair have evolved. And the modern male barber client may want texturing, permanent waving, even coloring services when they pay your shop a visit.
There are many reasons why you should consider earning your barber certification. We have laid out some of the top questions and concerns about this topic below, to help you get started. However, there is no substitute for speaking directly to schools about your barber education. If you are wondering, “how can I compare barber schools near me?” then use our resources to find and compare programs. Don’t wait to pursue your barber education. Let us help you find the right barber classes as quickly as possible!
Getting Started
There are a few things to consider when looking into getting your barber certification. Where do you want to study? If you’re looking to stay close to where you live, then researching schools in your area is of great importance. While researching, make sure that the barber schools in which you are interested have a valid accreditation status. It is only through an accredited school that you will be able to earn a barber certificate that will be valid toward eventually earning your barber license.
You also want to see how long the barber classes will last. Typically, a barber license programs should take about nine months if you are studying full-time. This may lead to a barber certificate or an associate degree — something you should research beforehand.
Barber Certificate
To work as a barber jobs, you will need to earn your barber or cosmetology license, depending on your state’s regulations. With a barber license or certificate, you will have gotten the necessary skills to efficiently work as a barber. Barber school will teach students techniques and give them the opportunity to work with real clients in student salons. Upon successful completion of this course of study, you will have earned your barber certificate.
More Than Just Haircutting
A barber certificate doesn’t just mean you know how to give a good haircut. There are many other areas in which you’ll become skilled. Some of these may include highlighting, coloring, permanent waves, facials, and nail treatments. This makes the job of a barber very diverse for the clients they will serve, which tend to be mostly males. When you start comparing different barbering programs, be sure to ask which types of courses they offer. Some programs may offer barber management or shop ownership classes.
A License to Cut
Once you’ve earned your barber certificate you can move on to getting your barber license. This is absolutely necessary in order to work as a professional barber. The requirements vary according to the state in which you live. For specific information on this, check with your state’s website or licensing board. However, at least a barber certificate from an accredited barber or cosmetology school is necessary for your license. You may also have to take an exam and pay a fee.
Working as a Barber
To work as a barber, you’ll need to complete the number of require training hours, and pass your state’s barber certification examination. Make sure you have a complete understanding of what it takes to meet your state requirements before you enroll in any program. Most barbers work in salons or barber shops and some go on to own their very own places of business. No matter where you decide to work, you’ll first need to go through the entire process. And it starts with your barber certificate. By researching barber schools in the present, you’ll have the ability to be a successful barber in the future.
Do you want to learn more about working as a barber in your state? Go ahead and use our list of barber schools near you to learn more!