Going to the barber shop for a shave and a haircut may seem to be an American tradition, but the practice of barbering has been in existence worldwide for centuries. In ancient times, a barber provided a number of services in addition to the cutting of hair and, for some cultures, hair removal was actually quite a sacred act, making the barber a highly esteemed member of his tribe.
While the modern-day barber is likely not the local medicine man or revered tribesman, he is still very much a necessity. He is a trained professional in the personal appearance workforce and provides a number of services for men and boys of all ages (and sometimes even women), from a standard shave, to a first haircut for little ones, to mustache grooming or hairpiece fitting.
Even though some may recall days of getting a haircut in the kitchen by mom or dad, nothing can compare to getting a genuine haircut from a trained, licensed barber, which is why barber school is essential if you are considering such a career.
To get started, make sure you meet all the prerequisites (you must be at least 16 years old and have a high school diploma or GED). Then, choose a barber school that is licensed by the state. Barber school lasts anywhere between 10 and 20 months, according to Education-Portal.com. After graduation, if you pass the written exam and practical demo, you’ll obtain your license to barber.
Barber School Prepares You for the Workforce
Education-Portal.com states that barber school attendees learn the basics; for example, haircutting, hairpiece fitting, skin care, beard/mustache grooming, hairstyling, bacteriology and sanitation, and shampooing. Barber school students will also complete coursework in chemical hair restructuring, scalp and hair physiology, shaving, facial treatment procedures, and hair coloring. Besides the hands-on techniques, would-be barbers learn about professional development, customer service, and barber shop management.
The industry is projected to grow slightly faster than the national average for all occupations combined, so the outlook for future employment is good. The median hourly salary for a barber is $11.56; the median annual wage comes in at $24,050, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The BLS also estimates that about 46 percent of barbers (and cosmetologists or other personal appearance workers) are self-employed.
Barber school is the launch pad for success in the personal appearance workforce. Graduates will be prepared after learning a number of hands-on skills and information on everything from running a profitable barber shop to maintaining a safe, clean environment for prospective clients. To obtain the sharpest barbering skills, find the barber school that is right for you and enroll today.