John Henderson

Fayetteville Technical Community College immediately shifted an in-person cosmetology class to online instruction after learning that someone in the class was not feeling well, a spokeswoman for the college said.
“That person was sent home and advised to quarantine for 14 days, the understood incubation period for COVID-19,” said Catherine Pritchard, executive director of public relations and marketing for the college, in an email. “As noted, this was a precautionary measure. FTCC also shifted three other classes in that building to online instruction for at least 14 days.”
Pritchard said she did not know whether anyone who was taking the classes has tested positive for the coronavirus.
“We don’t have information about test results from anyone in this group. This was a routine precaution,” she said.
Among other precautions, FTCC requires all students, faculty, staff and visitors to wear face coverings on campus whenever they are in a room with anyone else, in a common area such as a hallway or restroom or in an outdoor area where social distancing is not possible, Pritchard said.
“In the case you are asking about, it was reported that face coverings were being worn by all students and faculty in the classroom with the person who was feeling ill,” she said. “In addition to moving classes online, FTCC personnel deep-cleaned rooms, areas and equipment used or possibly used by the person who reported feeling ill.”
The college, which offers programs like cosmetology in which hands-on instruction is important, has been coming up with creative ways to teach students online in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pritchard said.
For example, students in an advanced hair-styling class who moved to online instruction in mid-March completed their final exam with a group video in which they demonstrated the skills they had learned.
“We have creative and dedicated faculty members and awesome students,” Pritchard said.