Becoming a barber takes more than just learning simple men’s cuts. Today’s male clients request sophisticated cuts and styles that take stellar barbering skills to execute. Many beauty schools offer barbering programs, with some offering advanced master barber programs. If you aren’t interested in learning the range of skills offered in a traditional cosmetology program, this can also be a way to acquire your license to cut hair without having to learn makeup, advanced women’s styles, and nail design.
To learn more about your options for barber school programs, enter your program preference and zip code in the search box. Your local beauty schools that offer barbering programs should appear. This makes it simple to reach out to all of your options, without having to visit multiple beauty school websites.
Barbering Classes & Learning Outcomes
Barbering programs can vary wildly in the courses they offer. In some programs, you can even learn coloring, management skills, shop ownership, as well as permanent waving, and facials. Here are some classes you might find in your barber school curriculum:
- Barbering laws
- Shaves
- Hairpieces
- Haircutting
- Theory and anatomy
- Fundamentals
- Safety and sanitation
- Shaving
- Hair cutting and styling
Barbering license regulations
This is the number one reason you need to speak with barber school advisors before you enroll in any program. Every state has its own license requirements you have to meet to work in this profession. Fortunately, many states have a barber license that typically takes less time to complete than a cosmetology or esthetician program. Making sure the program you choose will help you work towards licensure should be your top priority. Be sure to check out the section at the bottom of this page for a quick checklist of topics to address before enrolling in barber school.
Barber Salary Potential & Career Outlook
The number one goal of going to barber school is to find a job as soon as you complete your training. Many schools work with prospective employers to hire students when they are finished. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) is the government agency that tracks job data. They anticipate a higher than average growth for barber jobs in their most recent analysis. What’s more, the BLS also states that over 70% of barbers are self-employed. This can be good news for students who dream of working independently or want to be their own boss. While many barber shops are open during set weekly hours, you can still find flexibility by scheduling client appointments during times that work with your personal schedule.
Before enrolling in barbering school…
There are a few things you should be sure of before you enroll in any barbering or cosmetology school program. Here is a quick checklist of things to consider and discuss with every school you contact:
Financial aid
Make sure that you can bear the cost of going to school, and have a plan for your finances during your training. Additionally, make sure you understand the repayment terms of any money you borrow.
Career services
Will your barber school help you find a job when you’re finished? This is important to know, because it’s your top priority. Make sure you discuss your career goals with a school advisor, and feel confident about the direction you’re going before committing.
Class schedule
Since much of your barbering training will be hands-on, you can’t rely on online learning as a way to work around your work or personal commitments. Make sure you can make it to class without stress. Missing just one class in a short-term program can set you back.
We touched on this before, but can’t stress how important this topic is to address. Be sure you will qualify for your state’s barbering licensing exam and required hours to work professionally.
Now that you know more about barber school programs, take a quick moment to view your options and request information right now!