Many cosmetology students choose esthetics programs because they want to provide skincare, such as facials, to clients. If you aren’t interested in hair or nail design as career options, this type of program will give you a more focused education. Many esthetician programs also provide advanced makeup artistry courses, so you can train to provide those services to clients as well. Earning your esthetician license can help you qualify for work in salons, spas, resort environments, and dermatological offices. The skills you can learn is esthetician training can help you do more than beautify your clients. You can help heal their skin through modern treatment options tailored to their particular skin type and condition.
Ready to find esthetician programs and courses? Take a moment to use the beauty school search tool on this page to see your options for training programs. Once you request info from all your local beauty schools, advisors should reach out to you soon to discuss details and answer your questions.
Esthetician Schools Near Me?
When you enroll in an esthetician program, your courses will include a mix of the art and science of facial skincare. You will focus on the “why” of esthetician work, as well how to channel your understanding into a healing and rejuvenating practice for your clients.
Here are several examples of courses you might take in a typical esthetician program:
- LED therapy
- Skin anatomy and medical terminology
- Waxing services
- Exfoliation
- Microdermabrasion
- Treatments for different skin types
- Glycolic wash
- Facial massage
- Facial paraffin
- Facialist & Esthetician School near me
- Esthetics & More
Some esthetics programs will also integrate massage therapist training into their courses. These may include Swedish full body or aromatherapy training that can supplement your esthetician skills.
What is the job outlook for estheticians?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has some positive news to report about the job outlook for skincare specialists. This government agency expects a 13% overall growth in jobs, between 2016-2026. This is almost double the national average of 7%, which they anticipate for all other occupations combined during the same period. The average annual salary for skincare specialists is currently $30,270 per year. But this can change, depending on where you live, what kind of work environment you choose, and whether you are full or part-time in your role.
Esthetician License Requirements
This is just one of several important topics you need to address before enrolling in any esthetics or beauty school program. Many schools tailor their curriculum and training hours around the state requirements. After all, your goal is to qualify for work when you complete the program. Be sure to read the next section, which lists our top topics to address with esthetician schools before you enroll.
What do to before you enroll in Esthetician School or skin care programs…
After you request information from the schools using our simple search tool, take a moment to write down all your questions about esthetician programs. Here is a quick checklist of questions we think you should ask to get the conversation started:
- How quickly can your program be completed?
- What scheduling options do you have for working professionals?
- What employers typically hire students who complete this program?
- Does your school have financial aid options, or qualify for federal assistance programs?
- What kinds of professional skills will I learn in my courses?
- Will I qualify to sit for the state exam and work professionally when I’m done?
Every student has their own goals in the world of beauty. It can be an exciting career path for those who are passionate about expressing their inner creative self while helping clients look and feel their best. Go ahead and take the next step towards the esthetician program that can take your career to the next level!