If you’re stressed out, you’re not alone. Most of the population feels an overwhelming amount of pressure these days and if you’re the type of person who would like to work helping others relax, that could translate into a lucrative career for you.
Spa schools present a mixture of studies to help you become a professional who works in some aspect of a spa. You might be an esthetician, a physical therapist, nail technician (also called a manicurist and pedicurist), chiropractor, make up artist, massage therapist, nutritionist, personal trainer, yoga instructor or cosmetologist.
You may choose one or more of the spa courses and become knowledgeable and licensed in more than one area of spa treatments.
How Do I Choose a Spa School?
Choosing from one of the spa schools really depends on what you would like to study. Many states require massage therapists, nail technicians, personal trainers and estheticians to be licensed by their state licensing exam board. This means you should choose a school that gives you the tools necessary to pass the licensing exam for the state in which you want to set up a practice. Chiropractors are required to go to an accredited chiropractic college and earn a doctorate degree.
Choosing from one of the spa colleges may also be dependent on what kinds of financial aid packages they offer students and what sort of employment placement they offer once you have completed a program of study. Most spa schools require that you have at least a high school diploma or GED and require you to complete an application, as well as a personal interview. Some of the traits common among people wanting to enter a spa profession include an outgoing personality, willingness to work with the public and help people achieve their look or goals, as well as some business knowledge.
Once you have completed coursework at a spa or salon school, you may be required to take a state licensure exam, which could mean a written, as well as a practical exam. Once you have obtained the necessary state license, you’re ready to find employment in a spa. Many people who choose spa related careers are self-employed, allowing them to set their own fees and hours, while paying a portion of their proceeds to the spa that hosts their practice.
Job Prospects in the Spa Industry Will Help You Relax
Once you have finished a course of study in a spa school, you can relax, as the spa industry is growing due to the continued stresses placed on citizens in our society, as well as the growing acceptance of alternative medicine (massage therapy and chiropractic care are considered alternative medicine).
If you’re looking for a career that will help you relax into a virtually guaranteed income, find a spa college near you today!