Not only known for being the birthplace of rock n roll and blues, Tennessee is highly regarded for its educational opportunities. The states institutions of higher learning include physical therapy schools, where students gather all of the knowledge and resources necessary to find success in this in-demand career. Offerings include physical therapy programs at all collegiate levels, from diplomas through doctoral degrees. Graduates then enter the industry as physical therapy aides, physical therapy assistants, and certified physical therapists, finding employment at medical facilities throughout the state and beyond.
Students who graduate from physical therapy schools in Tennessee do very well on the National Physical Therapy Exam two of the states schools are able to boast about 100-percent pass rates. This is likely because Tennessees physical therapy schools utilize a two-pronged approach to physical therapy education, involving both clinical training and classroom lectures. Learning begins with the basic sciences and theoretical concepts, further explored through hands-on clinical training and internships in settings such as rehabilitation centers, acute care centers, and outpatient applications. Once you complete the curriculum at one of the physical therapy schools in Tennessee, you are ready to begin a career in physical therapy.
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