Washingtons physical therapy schools realize the importance of a solid science background. Thats why the curriculum at each school focuses on foundation courses in pharmacology, radiology, and pathology. Combined with in-depth clinical training that requires hands-on experience, the physical therapy programs at the states institutions of higher learning prepare you for your new career. Some physical therapy schools even offer doctorate degree programs, which involve an intensive curriculum that opens the door to higher-salaried employment opportunities.
No matter what the degree level, courses offered at physical therapy schools in Washington aim to provide proper instruction in diagnosing and treating patients with physical and functional disabilities. Youll be confident in your abilities and know how to deal with ethical and legal issues when they crop up during treatment. Washington has plenty of jobs in the fast-growing field of physical therapy, whether in acute-care facilities such as hospitals or long-term treatment centers such as rehabilitation centers. Physical therapists are able to work either a full-time or a part-time schedule, and you may choose to open your own practice anywhere in the state of Washington. The advantage of an education from a Washington physical therapy school puts you in a position to succeed.
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