Would you rather bandage your wounds or do something to make sure you stop getting injured in the first place? If you choose the latter, your philosophy is closely aligned with that of the professional esthetician.
Rather than using makeup to conceal problems and hide unhealthy skin, estheticians work to improve the health of the skin so that it can radiate its own natural beauty. With this holistic perspective, estheticians can have a major impact on changing overall attitudes toward skin care and enhancing this branch of the beauty industry.
Holistic skin care
As a matter of fact, esthetician schools are committed to educating estheticians and improving the way people approach skin care throughout the world. At esthetician schools, you will develop a deep passion for skin care and a commitment to continuing education. You will learn to reveal the natural beauty of the skin by utilizing skin care products and techniques that enhance the biological functions of the skin and augment its long-term beauty and health.
Esthetician schools take natural beauty products and education to exciting new levels. Through esthetician programs, you’ll have access to the most advanced, cutting-edge cosmeceuticals available, ones that combine ingredients from ancient Chinese and Indian traditions with 21st century elements and techniques. These products, which are based on holistic and homeopathic principles, can truly improve the skin and help it become the best it possibly can.
Hands-on esthetician programs
Esthetician programs provide thorough preparation and hands-on training for working in the skin care profession. Not only do esthetician schools prepare you for licensure, they prepare you to become the best in your field.
You will be taught the basics in anatomy, biology, and chemistry as a foundation to learning advanced treatment methods, makeup, and waxing. Beginning and advanced makeup courses are included in esthetician programs as well, taking you from facial anatomy and shapes, color theory, and day and evening makeup applications, to film, photo, print, and video.
Plus, licensed estheticians may take courses at esthetician schools to become certified in advanced techniques, such as: airbrushing, aromatherapy, ayurvedic massage, custom blending, dark-spot treatments, lymphatic drainage, permanent makeup, reflexology, salt and herbal body wraps, skin analysis, skin renewal treatments, specialized acne treatments, and union makeup. Advanced seminars such as these give you the experience and qualifications to perform the latest spa techniques and stay competitive in your career.
Enroll in esthetician schools today, and help change lives from the inside out.